
Aksha Thakkar

Software Development, Machine Learning

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About Me

Aksha Thakkar

I am currently working as an Engineering Analyst in Goldman Sachs. I pursued my degree in Computer Science at Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering, Arizona State University. I have been enthusiastic about learning and working on Software Development, Data Science and Machine Learning.

As an Engineering Analyst I am working to improve and monitor holistic liquidity risk measures for key regulatory metrics, establish automated reporting methodologies and actively engaging in attribution and analysis of large sets of data to ensure risk management.

I have also gained hands on experience with Serverless Cloud Applications, Full Stack Development, Data Science while doing numerous projects and working with multiple organizations.

Such numerous and versatile professional and academic experiences have engrossed in me the zeal to gain extensive knowledge and the ability to implement them to provide concrete solutions. My goal is to advance a career in Computer Science and make valuable contributions to the field. 


Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs

Engineering Analyst Salt Lake City, UT

  • Driving the Liquidity Risk Analytics and Reporting team to improve and monitor holistic liquidity risk measures reported to the Federal Reserve Bank and EMEA entities on LCR, NSFR and other key regulatory metrics for Commitment and Loan products.
  • Establishing automated reporting methodologies using Python, Slang, Tableau, SQL to alleviate manual effort and actively engaging in attribution and analysis of large sets of data to ensure risk management.



Software Engineering Intern Tempe, AZ

  • Architected a Serverless Architecture application to execute High Performance Computing jobs using AWS Parallel cluster, AWS Lambda, EC2, S3, DynamoDB Route53 and maintained its reliability during periods of massive dynamic scale.
  • Worked on providing multi-cloud support using Azure Cyclecloud, Batch using Terraform.
  • Reduced the average response time by 40% through Automation of Deployment activities using AWS CDK, Cloud formation

Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs

Engineering Summer Analyst Salt Lake City, UT

  • Enhanced a web application keeping track of Liquidity Assets by delivering RESTful web services with Java Spring Boot, Maven and DB2 SQL to achieve increased customization views for users leading to rise in user engagement by 7%.
  • Integrated calendar Plex APIs with Slang and Python to annotate daily projections for the Corporate Treasury team.
  • Refined the UI using ReactJS, JSX, HTML and CSS. Tested features using Cypress framework achieving 80%+ code coverage.

Thunderbird School of Management

Thunderbird School of Management, ASU

Research Aide Tempe, AZ

  • Contributed to research examining changes in Marketing and Consumer behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic by building regression models and visualization dashboards using Python, Tableau, SPSS and SAS.
  • Coached more than 250 students and designed coursework, assignments and quizzes for TGM 557: Global Marketing and Data Analytics under the guidance of Dr. Preethika Sainam.

W. P. Carey Business School

W. P. Carey Business School, ASU

Teaching Assistant Tempe, AZ

  • Responsible for counseling and assessment on domains like Database Management, Relational Models, Data Analytics and Visualization with Tableau for course CIS 505: Intro to Enterprise Analytics under guidance of Dr. Tamuchin McCreless.


Jio Platforms Limited (JPL AI CoE)

Data Science Intern Bangalore, India (Remote)

  • Formulated binary and multi-class prediction models with Sklearn, OpenCV and evaluated them for sports (cricket) analytics.
  • Applied XGBoost to increase the accuracy to 76%, used Pandas & Tableau for data visualization and PyCaret to deploy models.
  • Delivered web modules for presenting telecom data using NodeJS, jQuery and MongoDB Database.

Pentaforce Printing Softwares

Pentaforce Printing Softwares

Software Development Intern Mumbai, India (Remote)

  • Programmed a web application using PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS and used ChartJS to create data visualizations showcasing quality reports which record the efficiency and downtime for a cluster of machines.
  • Incorporated Swing API for updating machine information and generating alerts.


ASUIra A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, Arizona State University

August 2021 - May 2023

Master of Science in Computer Science

Courses: Foundation of Algorithms, Deep Learning, Computing for Data-driven Optimization

CGPA 3.69/4

NirmaInstitute of Technology, Nirma University

August 2017 - May 2021

Bachelors of Technology in Information Technology

Courses: Database Management Systems, Object-Oriented Programming, Deep Learning, Cloud Computing

CGPA 7.62/10


Stock Price Prediction based on Twitter Sentiment (Aug 2021 – Nov 2021)

  • Active contributor to the open-source project (Stonks_3.0) for Prediction of Stock Prices using Twitter Sentiment Analysis.
  • Implemented Flair (DistilBERT) based Sentiment Analysis model on tweets extracted from Twitter API and stock prices from Yfinance. Illustrated data of AAPL, TSLA and MSFT stock prices and achieved a correlation coefficient of 0.91 on test data.

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Automated Interface for Bomb Disposal Robot (Aug 2020 – Mar 2021)

  • Designed a full stack web application for controlling Raspberry Pi and deployed Reinforcement Learning models using Gym Toolkit, TensoFlow and Keras. Implemented Monte-Carlo methods and Actor Critic Methods and trained the simulated robotic environment of 2 degrees of freedom to reach its desired goal in less than 150 epochs.

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Exoplanet Detection and Checking Habitability (Jan 2020 – Apr 2020)

  • Implemented a Deep Learning model on Kepler’s Object of Interest data from NASA archive with PHL’s exoplanet catalog data to identify exoplanet and check their habitability using Sklearn and TensorFlow. Achieved 92% accuracy using SVM and compared results with Regression and Naive Bayes classifiers.

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Virtual Reality Game

  • Built a virtual reality first person shooter game as part of the Decentraland hackathon. Applied TypeScript to create interactive modules for character movement, environment and UI modules like character health and points earned.
  • Utilized Flask API to import descriptive metadata for a piece of virtual space where the game was deployed.

View Project | View Project Video

Student Management System (Jan 2019 – May 2019)

  • Architected a student management system by making use of NodeJS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and AJAX.
  • Delivered features to manage information of students like attendance, examination marks and administrative data and tested them using JUnit testing framework.


An online planning agent to optimize the policy of resource management.

Int. Conference of Computing Communication and Cyber Security(IC4S 2020) supported by Springer.

Developed a Dyna-Q Framework to improve the efficiency and adaptability of resource management tasks. On synthetic data adapted to schedule resource efficiently taking less number of epochs thanother reinforcement learning algorithms.

Publication Link

Position of Responsibility

General Secretary

Computer Society of India

Organizing and managing events and coding competitions.

Team member


Machine Learning assist for University team for AUVSI SUAS competition. Worked on detection and classification of objects from images taken by an aerial unmanned vehicle.
